Das Ich Denke

Analytische und Systematische Philosophie

Mein Foto
Standort: Köln, Germany

Donnerstag, November 16, 2006

Konferenz der Spanischen Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (SEFA)

Fifth Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA-5)
University of Barcelona, 7-9 September 2007
Call for Papers (Deadline for submissions, April 2, 2007)

Main speakers:
Cristina Lafont, Northwestern University
Wolfgang Künne, University of Hamburg
Kendall Walton, University of Michigan

The fifth meeting of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA-5) will be held on 7-9 September 2007 at the Faculties of Philosophy and Geography and History of the University of Barcelona. The society welcomes submissions on any philosophical topic, for 30 minutes talks followed by a 10 minutes discussion in either of the official languages of the conference, Spanish and English.

Submissions should consist of a detailed summary of the intended talk (about 1000 words). Summaries are expected to indicate the topic, present the main thrust of the talk, and provide a sketch of the main arguments. Please specify at the beginning of the summary the exact title of the talk, your name and your address and e-mail. Decisions on acceptance will be based on this summary.

Please make sure that the document is in WORD- or rtf-format (either PC or MAC) formatted as follows: page settings DIN A4, all margins 3 cm, font TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 pt, single line spacing, title of the talk in bold, justified and centered. Please print name and address in standard (non-bold). Main text also justified.

Deadline for submissions: April 2nd, 2007.

Selection: All abstracts will be blind-refereed. Efforts will be made to include in the program quality original papers from different philosophical disciplines. Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 30th, 2006.

Programme committee: Daniel Quesada (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), José Díez, Manuel García-Carpintero, Josep Macià, Genoveva Martí, José Martínez, Manuel Pérez Otero, Sven Rosenkranz (Universitat de Barcelona), Max Kölbel (University of Birmingham), Luis Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Joan Pagès, David Pineda, Josep Ll. Prades (Universitat de Girona), Juan Acero, Esther Romero (Universidad de Granada), Manuel Hernández (Universidad de Murcia), Dan López de Sa (New York University), Luis Valdés (Universidad de Oviedo), Fabrice Correia (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona), Jesús Ezquerro (Universidad del País Vasco), Tobies Grimaltos (Universidad de Valencia).

Organizing committee: José Díez, Manuel García-Carpintero, Manuel Pérez Otero. Cristina Roadevin, Luis Robledo (Universitat de Barcelona), Daniel Quesada (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), David Pineda (Universitat de Girona), Lorenzo Baravalle (Universitat Rovira i Virgili).

Information about registration, accommodation, etc., will be available soon on the website of the meeting:

Sponsors: Dirección General de Investigación; Direcció General de Recerca; SEFA; Universitat de Barcelona.

Facultats de Geografia i Història i Filosofia
Universitat de Barcelona
Montalegre, 6-8, 4ª planta, porta 4044
08001 Barcelona
Further information:
Manuel García-Carpintero, logos@pcb.ub.es


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